Katherine’s Top K-Pop Releases of 2017, Part Six: #1-10

It’s been a long and unexpected hiatus (5 months exactly – more on that in an upcoming post). K-pop is a fast moving industry, and most of the groups that I’ve chosen for this post have already made comebacks or are releasing new music imminently. Just waiting on you, EXO BUT, I’m the type ofContinue reading “Katherine’s Top K-Pop Releases of 2017, Part Six: #1-10”

Katherine’s Top K-Pop Releases of 2017, Part Three: #31-40

The songs in the last post ended up being pretty diverse, with lots of different styles and moods.  This time, the majority of them happen to be really upbeat and catchy.  There are a few that are more emotional and introspective, but I think it’s safe to say my preference for dance tracks will beContinue reading “Katherine’s Top K-Pop Releases of 2017, Part Three: #31-40”